martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

My Favorite Animal


Publicize all that encompasses the lion as such, features, functions, reproduction, nutrition, classification, habitat in which it lives, conservation.

As we know the lion is an animal in the forest is known as the king, as it is a dominant predator feline in the jungle.

It is worth mentioning that the lion is a living being that belongs to the family of the felids, and in turn is a carnivorous mammal.

This paper aims to bring the management of information necessary for the reader of this species, it is also important to talk about their risk category. As well as their geographical distribution in the world.

Lions are social animals especially compared to other cats. A pride of lions consists of females who have a family relationship, their offspring and a small number of adult males. Groups of female lions typically hunt together, attacking mainly to large ungulates. The lion is a predator and password, although it may have a scavenger behavior if given the opportunity. Although lions usually do not hunt humans selectively, some of them may become cannibals and seek human prey.

The lion is a vulnerable species; males are easily distinguished by their hair, making her head one of the most widely recognized animal symbols in human culture. Appears very often in the literature, sculpture, painting, national flags and contemporary films and literature.
Many statistics in various studies show that lions normally feed on mammals of between 190 and 550 kg. Wildebeests are their preferred prey (representing nearly half of the lion prey in the Serengeti) followed by cebras.46 Most hippos, rhinos and elephants are generally excluded adults and gazelles and impalas and smaller other agile antelopes. However, in some regions and buffalo hunt giraffes often. Sometimes also take to the hunting of hippos, as they tend to avoid adult rhinos. Although warthogs weigh less than 190 kg, also hunt often, depending mainly on their availability


In this issue we saw that the lion is a wild animal that usually lives in Africa, which is wild because it belongs to the cats and everything according to their characteristics open a differentiation between male and female hair one and the other will not respectively .

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